Welcome, friends, we’re delighted to have the opportunity to conduct an exclusive interview with Roberta (Roby) Balloni, writer of Ghost Warrior visual novel game. Today, we can discover more about the passions and motivations that drive her remarkable talent and what inspired her to write a visual novel. Let’s start with a fundamental question:
K Storm Studio: Roberta… please tell us a bit about yourself!
Roberta: Hello everyone, and thank you very very much for this interview. I’m so excited to be here and share my story with you. I’m Roberta Balloni, and I hail from Verona, Italy, famously known as the city of Romeo and Juliet! Since childhood, I’ve had a deep passion for the art of writing and storytelling. This love has been nurtured through reading a variety of genres and indulging in movies and TV series. Additionally, I’ve dedicated my time to volunteering with a leukemia association and collaborating with organizations supporting women who are victims of abuse.”
K Storm Studio: Wonderful! And you know here at K Storm Studio we like your stories. So, could you please share with us part of your background and some of the experiences that led you to become a writer of gripping stories like Ghost Warrior?
Roberta: Certainly! As I mentioned before, I had decided to organize many promotional events to stimulate public opinion, but later, with the consequences of the pandemic, I was forced to close my business. I have also written a fantasy children’s story, which will inspire another visual novel. Another adventure awaits!
These experiences inspired me to create imaginary worlds and engaging characters. I worked for many years as a production secretary for a local theater, where I fell in love with creative writing and had the opportunity to hone my skills and explore complex themes. Later on, I worked as an assistant in an international theater, where opera takes place. So, I decided to pursue this path and open an event organization.
To help others, I wrote and directed a completely original show called Ghost Radio City, a rock opera. Through rock music, I wanted to raise awareness about the horrors that rape victims have to face and carry within themselves for their entire lives. I wanted to deliver a strong message to those who need it, humbly in my little way. My imagination doesn’t know limits 🙂
K Storm Studio: Let me tell you that this is very interesting but also touching and this is also one of the reasons why we decided to start working with you on the making Ghost Warrior game! Roberta, you’ve partially answered this question but more in detail, there are any particular motivations behind your stories?
Roberta: Absolutely! Ghost Warrior, for example, was born from my passion for adventure and intriguing stories, but I also wanted to explore deeper themes such as resilience, inner strength, and the fight against adversity. I wanted to create a strong and complex female protagonist like Nika, who faces difficult challenges and makes complex moral decisions along her journey. Ghost Warrior allowed me to blend elements of action, mystery, and drama, creating an engaging story that I hope can inspire and entertain readers.
K Storm Studio: Very fascinating! Now… I know it is not yet the right time for this question but I wanna tease our readers… and of course guys don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to get all the news from Roberta and other talented creators like her. Roberta, could you please give us a hint of what to expect from Ghost Warrior visual novel game? What are some of the elements that make this story unique?

Roberta: Ghost Warrior is an exciting adventure that takes players into a world full of mystery and danger. The story revolves around Nika, a young girl who becomes involved in a rape incident. Along the way, she will encounter fascinating characters and will have to make difficult decisions that will have a lasting impact on the plot (and her life). The story is enriched by immersive visual details and intense narration that keeps players on the edge of their seats.
K Storm Studio: Thank you so much, Roberta, for sharing your background, motivations, and giving our players a glimpse into Ghost Warrior. We’re excited to delve into this gripping adventure. Thank you again for your participation in this interview!
Roberta: Thank you guys! It was a pleasure to share my passion for writing and for Ghost Warrior. I hope players enjoy exploring this fascinating world.
Only at Rebel K-Magazine guys!
We are very pleased to introduce you to many talented and passionate creators. We will be also very glad to publish the Roberta’s game “Ghost Warrior” because we have been really touched by the way she treats this sensitive topic. So stay tuned for this captivating and meaningful gaming experience.
Enjoy gaming, we LOVE YOUUUUUUU!!!!