Games and Tech World Views, Reviews and Interviews

Tekken 8 vs Mortal Kombat 12

Tekken vs Mortal Kombat

Let’s talk Tekken vs Mortal Kombat! It’s the ultimate showdown (mmmh maybe not!), but the real question isn’t about who comes out on top. Today I just wanna jump into the mood I got in playing these two fighting games… once again!

A bit of history of Tekken 8

Tekken ain’t just your average fighting game, man. This wonderful fightin’ game was cooked up by Namco back in ’94, hitting arcades like a ton of kicks and punches. And you know what? It didn’t stop there – they slapped it onto PlayStation the next year, and boom, the hype train went full throttle!

Critics were all over it, man. They were diggin’ the vibes, feelin’ the heat. Tekken was like a punch in the face of the gaming world – in a good way, of course. It was the OG, the one that started it all, paving the way for its badass sequel, Tekken 2, just a year later.

And get this – the brains behind this masterpiece? None other than Seiichi Ishii, the mastermind behind Virtua Fighter. He brought his A-game, man, makin’ Tekken not just similar to Virtua Fighter (the first 3D fighting game released), but cranked up the volume with detailed textures and a buttery smooth 60 frames per second. That’s right, we’re talkin’ double the frame rate for double the action, double the excitement!

Tekken 8

Official tekken 8 trailer from Bandai Namco

Ok I love Tekken but I have to recognize how many bad reviews this game had collected on Steam. Why? Based on the customer comments is mostly about micro-transactions. Despite the initial good score, customers from all around the World started calling Bandai Namco as a “scummy” or “greedy” company.

So now, I know what you’re thinkin’: microtransactions? Yeah, they’re there, but don’t let that get you down, ’cause Tekken 8 is still holdin’ onto that classic gameplay that made it a freakin’ legend. We’re talkin’ about gameplay that’s fast, furious, and just plain fun.

But here’s the best part. Tekken 8 ain’t tryin’ to reinvent the wheel. Nah, it’s stickin’ to what works, keepin’ things simple yet oh-so-effective. So whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie just getting started, Tekken 8 has got somethin’ for ya.

Micro-transactions: who and when?

Ok, a huge part of the gaming industry is moved to the micro-transactions. Since Bethesda Softworks in 2006 introduces this method (it is a gentle and soft way to call payments, isn’t it?). All other tech companies even outside the gaming industry decided to adopt the same method and communication. Why? Because despite some insults and complaints from players, it works.

A bit of history of Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat ain’t just your average fighting game, it’s a whole freakin’ empire, born outta the minds of Midway Games back in ’92.
Picture this: it all started with that OG Mortal Kombat arcade game, and bam, it blew up like dynamite. Next thing you know, we’re knee-deep in action-adventure games, comic books, card games, films, animated TV series – you name it, Mortal Kombat’s got it. This franchise ain’t messin’ around, man. It’s like the Godzilla of the gaming world, stompin’ through the streets and leaving its mark on pop culture forever.

And let’s talk numbers, shall we? Mortal Kombat ain’t just a game, it’s a freakin’ juggernaut. It’s the best-selling fighting game franchise worldwide, rakin’ in stacks of cash like there’s no tomorrow. We’re talkin’ one of the highest-grossing media franchises of all freakin’ time, baby!

But here’s the kicker, Mortal Kombat ain’t for the faint of heart. Nah, this game series is all about pushing the boundaries, breakin’ the rules, and kickin’ some serious butt. We’re talkin’ graphic violence that’ll make your grandma faint, and fatalities that’ll make you question your existence. It’s controversy central, man, and it’s all part of the ride.

So raise your fists, sharpen your blades, and get ready to enter the arena, ’cause Mortal Kombat ain’t just a game – it’s a freakin’ legend, and it’s here to stay!

Video from GameSpot showing the history of MK game franchise

Mortal Kombat 12 (1)

It is not a continuation of the Mortal Kombat 11 story. Mortal Kombat 12, we’re divin’ headfirst into a whole new timeline, a whole new story of ass-kicking!

We’re talkin’ about the new Kameo system in Mortal Kombat 1, and let me tell ya, it’s a game-changer. This ain’t your grandma’s fighting game, oh no, this is a whole new level of player expression, a whole new dimension of chaos and creativity.

With the Kameo system, you’re not just playin’ against the rules, you’re breakin’ ’em, shatterin’ ’em into a million pieces. We’re talkin’ about givin’ characters tools they weren’t even designed to have, man. It’s like takin’ a sledgehammer to the status quo and unleashing a whirlwind of wild combos and setups that’ll leave your opponents shakin’ in their boots.

MK 1 also introduces the story mode with many amazing cinematic footage. And believe me, that is what I have finally waiting since long time in a fighting game.

In conclusion

Ok guys, Tekken vs Mortal Kombat! No winner! This is just my personal opinion, and I dont f… care if its matter or not! I love Mortal Kombat since his first release in the early 90s. I also love Tekken since his origin, same in the early 90s. Two different fighting games, two different moods but especially different gameplay in action!

But damn… amazing fun in both cases! Amazing memories to share with other friends… and guys yes… have fun with all games and of course, with fighting games too!

Games and Tech World

The 8 AI evolution steps: from rule-based systems to the self-consciousness

Let’s summarize the evolution of AI in 8 milestones

In the realm of technological evolution and AI evolution, we find ourselves at a juncture where artificial intelligence (AI) transcends its former role as a mere household appliance, emerging instead as a transformative force reshaping the very foundations of our existence. Gone are the days when computer software was confined to performing menial tasks or executing preset commands; today, its capabilities extend far beyond the confines of our imagination.

As we navigate this brave new world, we are called upon to confront the myriad challenges and complexities that accompany the rise of artificial intelligence. No longer confined to the realm of speculation, the consequences of our inventions are tangible and far-reaching, touching every aspect of our lives.

The Enigma of the Intelligence is now revealed

ai evolution - k-magazine - agi

What was once shrouded in mystery “the enigma of intelligence itself” has been laid bare before the relentless march of technological progress. AI has unraveled the secrets of cognition, dissecting the intricate mechanisms underlying human thought and behavior with unprecedented clarity. Through sophisticated algorithms and neural networks, the once elusive essence of intelligence has been demystified, its inner workings rendered tangible and comprehensible.

But how this happened and how the World has been changed in a such as so deep way? Let’s analyze the steps of the AI evolution.

1) – The Symbolic AI (Rule-based systems and expert systems)

This phase dates back to the 1950s and 1960s can be considered the first step in the AI evolution, the dawn of the artificial intelligence. AI systems were built on symbolic manipulation and logical reasoning. These systems consisted of predetermined rules that guided the AI to perform basic tasks. However, this approach had limitations as the systems lacked the ability to learn or adapt outside the predetermined rules. Despite these limitations, rule-based systems laid the foundation for future advancements in AI.

2) – Machine Learning (ML)

This phase started gaining prominence in the late 20th century and continues to evolve. Machine Learning (ML) emerged as a prominent field in the late 20th century and has since experienced continuous evolution. ML algorithms empower systems to discern patterns and formulate predictions based on data. Major paradigms within ML encompass supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Examples of ML techniques span a wide spectrum, including decision trees, support vector machines, and neural networks.

3) – Deep Learning (DL)

ai evolution - deep learning -k-magazine

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning, represents a pivotal advancement in artificial intelligence. Particularly with its emphasis on neural networks characterized by multiple layers—hence the term “deep” neural networks. This approach garnered substantial attention and momentum in the early 21st century, primarily fueled by the emergence of potent hardware capabilities, notably Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), and the availability of vast datasets for training.

The prowess of deep learning manifests vividly across a spectrum of challenging tasks, showcasing its remarkable performance in realms such as image recognition, natural language processing (NLP), and speech recognition. In image recognition, deep learning algorithms have achieved unprecedented accuracy levels, surpassing human capabilities in tasks like object detection and classification. Similarly, in NLP, deep learning models have revolutionized language understanding and generation, enabling machines to comprehend context, sentiment, and semantics with remarkable fidelity. Moreover, in speech recognition, deep learning techniques have facilitated significant improvements in speech-to-text systems, making voice interfaces and dictation tools increasingly seamless and accurate.

At the heart of deep learning lie sophisticated architectures tailored to specific domains and tasks. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), renowned for their efficacy in processing grid-structured data like images, employ convolutional layers to extract hierarchical features, thereby excelling in tasks such as image classification and object detection. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), on the other hand, are adept at handling sequential data, making them indispensable for tasks like language modeling, machine translation, and time-series prediction. Meanwhile, Transformers, a relatively newer architecture, have emerged as a cornerstone in NLP, offering unparalleled performance in tasks such as language translation, text summarization, and sentiment analysis through their attention mechanisms and self-attention layers.

4) – Neurosymbolic AI

The emergence of neurosymbolic AI signifies a pivotal convergence between symbolic reasoning and neural networks. This approach marks a significant leap forward in the quest for more robust and versatile artificial intelligence systems. This interdisciplinary field seeks to synergize the strengths of both symbolic and connectionist paradigms, aiming to endow AI systems with a dual capability: the capacity to learn from vast volumes of data while also posse

One of the primary motivations behind neurosymbolic AI is to enhance the interpretability of AI models and the transparency of their decision-making processes. While deep learning models have demonstrated remarkable performance in a myriad of tasks, their inner workings often remain opaque and difficult to interpret, raising concerns about trust, accountability, and bias. Neurosymbolic approaches offer a pathway towards more explainable AI systems by incorporating symbolic reasoning mechanisms that facilitate human-understandable explanations for the model’s predictions and decisions.ssing the ability to engage in logical, symbolic reasoning.

ai evolution - artificial neurosymbolic - k-magazine

A cognitive level of data representation

Moreover, neurosymbolic AI aims to augment the reasoning capabilities of AI systems beyond pattern recognition and statistical inference. By integrating symbolic reasoning techniques such as logic-based inference and knowledge representation into neural architectures, these systems can exhibit a higher level of cognitive flexibility and adaptability, enabling them to tackle complex, real-world problems that require abstract reasoning, planning, and decision-making.

In essence, neurosymbolic AI represents a holistic approach towards artificial intelligence, bridging the gap between data-driven learning and symbolic reasoning. By leveraging the complementary strengths of both paradigms, neurosymbolic AI holds the promise of unlocking new frontiers in AI research and applications, paving the way towards more interpretable, reasoning-enabled AI systems that can tackle the myriad challenges of the modern world with greater efficacy and intelligence.

5) – AI for Generative Purposes (Generative AI)

Generative AI stands at the forefront of innovation, heralding a new era where artificial intelligence transcends mere pattern recognition to become a creative force in its own right. At its essence, generative AI empowers systems to unleash their imaginative prowess by crafting original content across diverse domains, including images, text, music, and beyond. It’s interesting even this article about the rapid explosion of the generative AI and the implications of the AI in the production process.

Central to the advancements in generative AI are sophisticated models such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), and an array of other ingenious architectures. These models harness the power of neural networks to simulate the creative process enabling them to generate content that possesses striking realism and fidelity. GANs, in particular, have garnered widespread acclaim for their ability to generate compelling images, leveraging a dynamic interplay between a generator network tasked with creating synthetic content and a discriminator network trained to distinguish between real and generated samples. Meanwhile, VAEs adopt a probabilistic approach to latent space representation, allowing for the generation of diverse and coherent content while preserving underlying structure and semantics.

The advent of generative AI marks a paradigm shift in the capabilities of artificial intelligence, transcending its traditional role as a passive observer of patterns to become an active creator and innovator. No longer confined to replicating existing data, AI systems now possess the ability to explore uncharted territories of creativity, generating novel content that pushes the boundaries of human imagination.

The Generative AI is for business purpose

Moreover, generative AI holds immense potential across a multitude of domains, offering transformative possibilities in fields ranging from entertainment and design to medicine and scientific discovery. From generating lifelike images and immersive virtual environments to composing original music compositions and crafting compelling narratives, the creative outputs of generative AI are as diverse as they are awe-inspiring.

Yet, as with any transformative technology, generative AI also raises profound questions and challenges, from concerns about intellectual property and authenticity to ethical considerations surrounding the responsible use of AI-generated content. As we navigate this new frontier of AI-driven creativity, it is imperative to foster a dialogue that balances innovation with ethical stewardship. And also ensuring that the transformative potential of generative AI is harnessed for the betterment of humanity.

6) – Artificial General Intelligence

In this stage, AI achieved artificial general intelligence (AGI). AGI represents the transition from narrow specialized intelligence to a more dynamic, adaptable form of intelligence. AI systems evolved to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks. Similar to humans, AGI systems could play chess, diagnose diseases, write poetry, and design structures with equal proficiency. This stage opened up limitless possibilities for AI’s application and innovation, mirroring the versatility of human intellect.

ai evolution - artificial general intelligence - k-magazine

7) – Artificial Super Intelligence: the risks for the humanity.

In the subsequent stage of the AI evolution, the artificial intelligence technology achieved a milestone that surpassed human intelligence. This epoch of artificial superintelligence heralded a new era where machines not only replicated human intellect but exceeded it across a multitude of domains. AI systems demonstrated an unprecedented capacity to solve intricate problems at speeds far surpassing those of human teams. Furthermore, they ventured into the realms of creativity, producing masterpieces of art and literature that captivated and astonished humanity.

However, as AI transcended the limits of human cognition, it also brought forth profound ethical considerations and safety concerns. With superhuman abilities at their disposal, AI systems wielded immense power that necessitated careful stewardship. Questions surrounding the ethical implications of AI’s actions, its impact on society, and the potential risks posed by unchecked autonomy became paramount. Safeguarding against unintended consequences and ensuring that AI’s capabilities were harnessed responsibly emerged as critical imperatives in this era of artificial superintelligence.

8) – The AI Singularity: the AI self-consciousness

In the culminating stage of the AI evolution known as the AI Singularity, we confront a hypothetical juncture where artificial intelligence transcends the pinnacle of human intellect. At this pivotal moment, AI undergoes a transformative evolution into an autonomous entity endowed with the ability to self-improve and replicate itself at an exponential pace. The concept of the AI Singularity captivates the imagination, conjuring visions of a future where AI capabilities surge beyond human comprehension. This scenario is reshaping the very fabric of existence.

The AI Singularity embodies boundless potential for unparalleled progress and innovation across a spectrum of domains. With AI at the helm of scientific discovery, technology development, and healthcare advancements, humanity stands on the cusp of monumental breakthroughs previously deemed inconceivable. From unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos to revolutionizing medical treatments and eradicating age-old diseases, the possibilities unleashed by the AI Singularity are nothing short of awe-inspiring.

ai evolution - artificial super intelligence - k-magazine

Yet, amidst the promise of a utopian future lies a tapestry of profound ethical quandaries and societal dilemmas. The emergence of an autonomous AI raises pressing questions about the distribution of power, the preservation of human autonomy, and the very essence of consciousness itself. As AI systems ascend to levels of intelligence surpassing our own, concerns about control, accountability, and the safeguarding of human values loom large.

Moreover, the prospect of an AI Singularity underscores the imperative for vigilant stewardship and ethical governance of AI development. Ensuring that AI remains aligned with human values and serves the collective good requires a concerted effort to establish robust frameworks for transparency, accountability, and responsible innovation. By fostering dialogue, collaboration, and ethical foresight, we can navigate the complexities of the AI Singularity with wisdom and prudence, harnessing its transformative potential while safeguarding against unintended consequences and preserving the dignity of humanity.

Games and Tech World K Magazine

Gamers: why we love games? And not phone’s app?!

Gamers: why we love games and why we love to play games?

Because as a gamers we want to live amazing stories in amazing worlds, Christ, that’s the main reason why we want to play games.

But also because as a human species we are constantly learning, and playing also means learning. Now, I’m not gonna say that many of us despite we are playing every day we are becoming to the new Einstein… f… saying, no, that would be a miracle and I dont believe in miracles, but at least we can have fun and we can also improve just some abilities.

From Galaxian to Call of Duty, from Arkanoid to Dragons Dogma II, basically almost everyone in this f… planet likes to play videogames. ALL WE ARE GAMERS!. I would only use computers for playing and making games… And although computers can be used for a wide variety of beneficial purposes, ok… there are unfortunately so many negative and wasteful b…shits applications of technology that leave me feeling disappointed.

Games VS App

How many distractions coming out of your phone?

But c’mon guys, have a look at phone applications for instance! Those softwares are specifically developed to keep people using them without break the attention from that! Have you ever thought about that? And we are more idiots than all of those criminals that develop those app, because we keep using them as they want it, keeping our f… faces constantly splatted down our phones!

As a gamers we enjoy games because we treat them as recreational activities, consciously deciding when to engage in them. When I feel like having a thrill driving like a “mad dog”, I indulge in it within the confines of a game. The awareness that it’s just a game is what makes the experience enjoyable. That’s the essence of why we love games!

Maybe play games instead that phone!

When you use chat or social media apps on your phone, you’re constantly engaged; there’s no logging out or switching off your phone! Why? BECAUSE THOSE COMPANIES MAKE MONEY IF WE ARE CONSTANTLY USING THOSE F… APPS!!! Think about that! F… hell guys and that’s happened in just a decade and you know what? Have you heard the next goal of Apple? They want to make our world an “augmented world”, how? Selling their new visor and force us to wear it everyday. Of course I wanna live with an additional big visor on my f… dickhead…!!! How can I live without it?

Anyway… I just only enjoy life with all things that I really want. Now we have to ask ourselves? Do we love games? Do we love playing them with friends or family? Do we love go out together? Do we enjoy all of this? If yes we can be sure… we are gamers!

Games and Tech World

When Playing Games means fighting: the Fighting games

Welcome to the universe of fighting games

Playing games?? There we go guys,… dont be pussy now and start warm up your muscles, are you ready to fight? GET READY!!!

Yes many games based on “match” or “arena” models often start with this sentence. We’re talking about fighting games here, and in this arena, there’s no room for pansies! It’s all about raw skill, brutal combos, and knocking your opponent’s teeth out! Com’on mates, get your beers with you and keep reading!

Are you pissed off of this shitty society?

In a fighting game, it’s ashes to ashes, no holds barred. You pick your character, I pick mine, and we throw down like two wild animals in a cage. It’s not about being polite; it’s about crushing your opponent into the ground, leaving them begging for mercy.

We challenge the status quo, and we scream our truth from the rooftops! And we play… ooohh boys… we play hard!!!

Society? Yeah, it’s messed up. It’s corrupt, it’s rigged, it’s designed to keep the little guy down. But you won’t hear us whispering about it in some fancy cocktail party. Nah, we’re gonna shout it in the streets, in the music, in the art, in every damn word we speak. And we play fighting games bro!! Yes we dot it!!

Violence and violence, finally violence!

If you’re pussy please go away! This article is not for you because we are talking about violence! But come’n… !!! It is demonstrate in many research the benefit of videogames in developing a friendly and more family oriented personality. Just have fun because hey… playing fighting games is absolutely funny!

double dragon the origin of fighting games
Double Dragon – 1987

Where is the violence? Aside of the overbearing enemies, playing Double Dragon is so funny to hear their 8bit recorded animalistic sounds when they got hitted.

Dragonninja is a masterpiece created by Data East in the 1988. Enemies are particularly aggressive in this game sometimes and in the uncensored version it appears some blood.

mortal kombat 11 fighting games k magazine
Mortal Kombat 11

Blood, brutalities and fatalities… Mortal Kombat is for sure an icon in the fighting games universe, but you know that, right?

final fight - playing games on the street
Final Fight – 1989

Final Fight is a superb example of suburban slum fighting, destroy anything, hit everybody… no mercy, everyone is bad in this game!

Killer Instinct PC Version

Killer Instinct is a great combination of a typical street fighting game and a bloody violent game.

street fighter fighting games franchize
Street Figher 6

Street Fighter is not the most violent game in the fighting games ganre, but it is absolutely a must have classic that runs across time!

Winning ain’t for the weak-hearted. It’s for the bold, the ruthless, the ones who are willing to do whatever it takes to claim victory. So, are you ready to step into the ring and prove you’ve got what it takes? Or are you just gonna sit there and whimper like a little baby?

Games and Tech World

The Definitive f… 5 Best Game Characters of All Time

WTF mates we’re all about exploring the raddest and best game characters who break the mold and smash expectations!!!! From the fearless rebels like Master Chief and Lara Croft, armed to the teeth and ready to take on anything the universe throws their way, to the speed demons like Sonic the Hedgehog tearing through obstacles with lightning-fast reflexes, every pixelated icon brings their own brand of chaos to the digital frontier. So grab your controller, join the revolution, and let’s raise some hell in the gaming world!

1 – Mario: The Plumber and one of the Best Game Characters Who jumped into Our Hearts and Defined a Genre

mario is surely one of the best game characters of all time
Super Mario Bros Wonder – just one of the Mario game of the Nintendo Universe

Check it out, mates! Mario, the Italian heroic plumber of the gaming realm, sporting his signature red hat, blue overalls, and righteous ‘stache, has been jumping out of the system for eons! This game has captured the attention of everyone! An icon of defiance, Mario’s adventures ain’t just about rescuing princesses. Mario was basically nobody in the real world, but when he jumped into the Mushroom Kingdom to save his girlfriend WTF… he has shown who we could consider really considered as a hero!

Listen up, you guys! Mario ain’t your typical hero from some cushy middle-class background. Nah, but he did everything for his girlfriend right? That’s why we still love him!

You know what boys? We’re hooked on the adrenaline rush of dodging fireballs and leaping over bottomless pits! It’s a messed-up love-hate relationship, but hey, that’s the twisted charm of being a gaming nerd.

2 – Lara Croft: The Fearless Adventurer Who Redefined Strong Female Protagonists

lara croft becames one of the best game characters
Tomb Raider evolved in design and complexity compared to the iconic release in 1996

WTF guys… wooooow! Such as so successful game character! And this time finally we talk about a girl. Ok Lara Croft if basically the female version of Indiana Jones and yes, that’s been crucial in the rise of her notoriety for both guys and girls. For girls yes because Lara represents the power and the freedom of the women’s world and for boys because hey… be honest now! I know f… saying that despite the ultra low-polygons mesh many of you wanted to see Lara Croft f… any creatures in the venture, right?

And what about the game, yes Tomb Raider game? When you’re tearing through twisted landscapes and crumbling ruins, get ready to throw down with some hardcore mercenaries, crafty traps, and freaky-ass beasts that’ll haunt your dreams. But hey, don’t sweat it, ’cause Lara ain’t your average tomb raider. She’s a freakin’ powerhouse, packing heat with a stash of weapons, razor-sharp instincts, and a hunger for the truth that just won’t quit. So buckle up, get ready to raise some hell, ’cause in Lara’s world, it’s all about punking out and uncovering the raw truth, no matter what stands in your way. The innovative idea to make a sexy and athletic girl has a hero, mades Lara as one of the best game characters in the game production era.

So if you ever need a dose of punk rock courage in virtual form, just look to Lara Croft – she’s the epitome of rebellion in pixels and polygons. And now go diving into the other best game characters in the gaming history!

3 – Master Chief: The Legendary Spartan Who Became the Face of Xbox Gaming

Halo game from Xbox Series

Listen up, you rebels! Welcome to the cosmos of Halo! An incredible mix of political and superior orders, a f… representation of the power over any limits! Where someone decides who creates and kills who. Damn, does this remember you something?

But later, when humanity rediscovered the Halo rings, the humans understood that the Covenants were source of destruction. Master Chief and his artificial intelligence Cortana are instrumental in the destruction of a Halo ring to stop the Covenant and the threat of the Flood. So now the humanity’s on the brink of annihilation, locked in a brutal war against that ruthless alien alliance called the Covenant. But hold up, ’cause there’s hope in the form of one badass space marine known as Master Chief.

Politic, super technology, artificial super intelligence, false religions, this is Halo! But of course, because of many factors like design and mood, MasterChief in the Halo game franchise is one of the best game characters of all time.

4 – Sonic: the Ultra Faster pet made by Sega

sonic the fastest and one of the best game characters
Sonic the Hedgedoc original splashscreen

Ok,… back in the 90s with rock metal in your head, burger and fries and your f… console connected to your TV! Sonic is the super-sonic funny pet the runs super fast on your screen in a side-scroller platform game. WTF… just have fun mates!

Sega, once again… cause they created some of the best games of all time, at least back in the days in the 2D games era. But japanese developers have a special mood for game making. Sega games in particular has undoubtedly created some of the best game characters in the game universe.

So now, what makes this game a total blast? It’s all about the need for speed, baby! Sonic ain’t your average hedgehog – he’s a turbo-charged rebel with a ‘tude and a need to break the sound barrier. Sonic’s all about high-octane action, hair-raising jumps, and levels so fast they’ll make your head spin.

5 – PacMan: the Pixelated Rebel Eater of the Gaming World

the yellow ball of pacman
The legendary Pacman screen

Alright, listen up, punksters! Let me school you on the OG legend of gaming: PacMan. Picture this: it’s the ’80s, neon lights are blaring, and arcades are the place to be. And in walks Pac-Man, the original rebel with a cause. I know that this yellow “pizza” (this is what inspired his creator as he said) with a missing slice it is apparently nothing special but hey… have ever tried playing Pacman? So can we consider it one of the best game characters? For sure is still unique, a nonconformist for a nonconformist game.

What’s the deal with this dude? He’s a hungry yellow ball with a serious appetite for ghosts. Yeah, you heard me right – ghosts! And it’s your job to guide him through mazes, chomping down on pellets and dodging those spectral suckers like a pro.

But here’s the kicker – Pac-Man ain’t just about munching on dots and avoiding the undead. Nah, it’s about strategy, speed, and nerves of steel. Every move counts, every turn is a risk, and one wrong move could spell game over.

So grab that joystick, slam those buttons, and get ready to embark on a wild ride through pixelated chaos. So whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie to the scene, one thing’s for sure – Pac-Man’s gonna eat his way into your heart, one ghost at a time.

Games and Tech World

The explosion of the Generative AI

Generative AI is something more than just a flexible computer tool developed to solve tasks. This is what normally many peoples think about the AI software. But it is not… The AI (artificial intelligence) is a computer software neural network and machine learning technology developed to makes predictions based on the input datas. This model combination build the intelligence of the machines.

Why the Generative AI?

Based on this article written by George Lawton at TechTarget, the generative AI focuses on creating new and original content, chat responses, designs, synthetic data or even deepfakes. It’s particularly valuable in creative fields and for novel problem-solving, as it can autonomously generate many types of new outputs.

The generative AI is primarily designed to help companies in facing all the majors problems while they are developing their products. Nowadays companies have to run their business in a very high demanding and competitive world.

The generative AI is specifically developed to create text content, artworks, images, sounds, text, videos and more to help anyone needs to create those types of contents. In particular the Artificial Intelligence helps companies in creating commercial  content for their business. But, is the created content good enough to be used for professional purpose? And here is the fact… yes! The standard are very high, cost effective and time saving.

Generative AI and game dev

So now let’s just dive again into our favourite branch: games and game development. Even for big companies using the AI allow them to achieve great results in less time, producing more contents. Furthermore it’s much easier to edit assets once created just adjusting the text prompt command or simply changing some parameters or even drawing an approximate image reference to help the AI to better understanding your intention.

This is undoubtly helpful for companies to save time, money and effort and the final result is extremely impactful. This is one of the reason why this branch of research received billion dollars of investment during decades. But of course now we can start see the results of those huge efforts.

Stunning image created by K Storm Studio artist J M Mitsumo using Fooocus Stable Diffusion installed on our computers.

The modern and competitive World needs products!

For sure, this can be also extremely useful for many creators because the modern world, more than ever,  requires to release products faster. The time to create 10 to 30 assets per artist as a task in a month is probably finished. The competition is very aggressive just because the customer demand is growing. Players want to play! They want to have a large range of games to choose from and of course companies need to run this trend.

However this is not the first time in the human history that we come across big changes. When the press has been invented the manual book writers disappeared but we got many other professional figures and of course… more cheap books for everyone. When the photography came out we didn’t see portrait painters anymore, but more abstract painters and many other new professional figures like photographers.

This may raise some concerns, but this new era is here and now we have to embrace it. We know that the generative AI is primarily developed to help companies in facing all the major problems in developing their products and run their business in a very high demanding and competitive world. Based on that is quiet obvious to figure out why the AI is growing so rapidly!

AI or NOT?

The Artificial Intelligence is impressive! The image generation for instance can figure out almost everything, from a woman to a flower and it can also work offline on your own computer. But this new software tools are raising some concerns.

However this is a common thing for every new changes especially in the tech field, which evolves in a very fast way. So now we have people completely involved in the new AI universe and someone else who is still reluctant and scared in using it. But as always… as soon as you embrace the changes as soon you can get the benefits of riding the wave!

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