The Social Media Reddit is down? WTF yes… Reddit was down! Can’t believe it. Yesterday I was trying to follow a link after a Google search and boom… this site can’t be reached! Wooow guys… wooow!
Okay, on Reddit’s profile on X, they said they are trying to figure out the issue, and after fixed it, they apologized. The “Social media” where everybody bans everyone just if you type something like: “Hey I’m…” WTF: You are banned for potential spam or self-promotion. And c’mon we know now that Reddit pays moderators to ban people, forcing them to pay for promotion!
Is Reddit down or are WE down?
Ok, on social media many people live a second life, (often the main life), constantly complaining about everything and everyone. Overbearing people are the current standard nowadays all around the web, especially on social media.
Why? Because behind a screen device everyone feels to be powerful! No responsibility because who really knows who I am?… Damn! What’s the problem guys? Your girlfriend fucks anyone except you? Your life is so poor and frustrating that you must complain to others because you’d like to be like them? Tell me what’s your problem Jesus Christ??
BTW I’m Max Capano, CEO of K Storm Studio and I’m writing part of this rebel blog/magazine… to be honest, the only rebel side of this mag! And all the time my fellow developers are freezing about that! And please let me thank Jeremy for his sober articles (under K Storm Studio :)).
But you know what? I don’t care… I don’t fucking care…. hey, I don’t have to be good just because society wants me to be good! Not at all! I’m just myself and I don’t wanna be fake! Many times I wrote this in this blog/magazine. At K Storm Studio we do what we do because of our atomic passion for the game-making process as written on the main page of this website. We are free from restrictions, we treat social topics in our games because we believe in a better future… not in fake promises!
Tech companies now shape our behaviours

And this article it’s not because Reddit was down for few hours, that can happens, it’s technology and we know that. This article explores how the largest tech companies have increasingly taken control of our lives. Through relentless efforts to capture our full attention, these corporations have embedded themselves into every aspect of our daily routines. Social media, in particular, has become a powerful tool for shaping opinions and influencing behavior on a massive scale!
Is it just about money? Fuck saying, no! It’s about out mental health as well. The Guardian reveals that almost half of the teens in UK feel addicted to Social Media. I don’t list all the side effects of this toxic behavior except that one: NO HAPPINESS!
Find your own way to be!
Stop following the easy way and find your own way to be, fucking hell!!!! Or the current trendy politician or multi-billionaire just because they say you’re cool! Stop following the current big wave! Don’t change your iPhone just because Apple gives you 2k pixels more every year! Stop getting cheated! Start taking control of your life, of your brain, of your happiness!
BTW, you can even totally disagree with what I wrote above guys, that’s fair, and if you wanna comment on it you’re more than welcome. But if you felt your soul shaking while you read this article… that’s great FUCKING HELL! Cause that means that you can wake up and start taking control of your device, time, and life!
Rock on guys… always!