
How to properly set up a successful digital store!

A very important aspect to have an effective digital store is the initial impression. A store page with missing  informations, lack of products or missing logo or store banner it gives the sensation of something unset and untrustworthy.

So first of all, fill all the informations about your business, your assets or games,  your company if you have one. Write an effective bio, not a poem please, short doesn’t necessarily mean bad, fill all required fields and especially your social media links. Doing this will tells your potential customers that they can even get in touch with you in many ways. And despite we provide several tools in you store page and your vendor dashboard to connect with them, showing them your online presence even out of the KSS platform is a great way to built your reputation as a vendor and increase your sales.


Of course a customer want to visit your store because he supposed to find out great assets for his productions, especially if he is a designer or developer or even many great games if he is a game player. So now, if you are a company or a digital artist or sountrack producer with experience you probably already have tons of useful assets ready for sell. But if you instead are just a new producer or game designer you have to focus much more on quality and a well presented store. Quality is king by user point of view, quality and targeting are kings for a seller.

Having your products in our system means to take all the advantages of it such as being discoverable by users and search engine, by our platform and get your products indexed by search engines and this can be very helpful in attracting traffic to your store even from outside our platform.


We constantly promote our platform marketplace using all possible channels and promotion strategies. Further you can also attract your existing or new customers promoting your products, including link to your digital store in your social media post, our marketplace icon in your pictures, website and social media pages and last but not least, creating coupons code and discounts directly in your store to encourage your viewers to buy from you.

Coupons code and Discounts

Coupons code, as mentioned above, are a very effective way to encourage buyers to buy from you. You can set coupons code directly from your vendor dashboard and your coupons will appears in your digital store page!

Another important “hook” to attract customers to buy you products, that works even from outside your store, which means in our homepage or KSS search engine, is to set a regular price and then a discounted price. The amount of money you want to earn by your produt is at your own discrection. Our advice is to find out a strategy to show a very effective discount, from 25 to 75% of the regular price! Do that for several product, not for only one or two and you can easily get returning customers!

The power of the Marketplace

Well, if you don’t yet have tons of great products because it takes long to create them, or because you’re just a new creator or simply because you don’t thrust very much in our service yet (legit and we will try to do our best to build trustability) that’s fine  but try to rich your product catalog with at least 2 or 3 great products to start. The good new is that you are in a marketplace and this sounds extremely more safe and trustworthy for customers all around the world!

Further, the psychological factor of having your products as a part of a marketplace can often help you in creating awareness. Offline and online people trust much more in a supermarket or shopping center and they enjoy to spend more time on it, so why dont be part of it?

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