[Sticky] Controller, Joypad and how to play! 🙂

Hello everyone,
based on what was reported by our testers (WE LOVE YOU GUYS), some precious indication about how to play Wild Radio Flux. You can also find this topic on Wild Radio Flux Steam forum.
ENTER : Dualshock Cross or XBox A
ESC : Dualshock Square or XBox X
TAB : Dualshock Triangle or XBox Y
CTRL : Dualshock Circle or XBox B
Use so ESC to show up menu anytime
LEFT -> LEFT again to slide quickly to left
RIGHT -> RIGHT again to slide quickly to right
TAB to show your collected items and achievements
A or CROSS (so Enter) to jump, press again to double jump
B or CIRCLE to to shoot based on your weapon and level
Look DOWN + Jump to jump down the platforms when possible
Hope this can help, please let us know 🙂 🙂 Ready to start ?! 🙂 🙂
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