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Button Examples for K-Engine 0.9.0 or above

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In the attachment you can find a simple example of few button customizations in K-Engine. This is just a basic example that introduce you to the world of K-Engine dynamic action commands. Feel free to reply for any questions 😊 

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Uh, now it's a bit more clear. Thanks! So I can animate buttons using events, is that correct? Because I see in this example some button animations as soon as the mouse moves over, it's super-cool!

Is it possible to export games with this version of K-Engine?

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@visualstories I do apologize first for our previous missing answer ... So sorry about that!! We are working very very hard about all our projects and also to extend the company so we are insanily busy! Sorry!

About buttons, yes, as you can see you can easily animate any objects, buttons too! Just click on each button of this exmaple in your K-Engine and see the action/events lists.

And yes, despite still under alpha you can create games with this version of K-Engine. 🤗 At the moment only PC games, but we plan to create exporting modules for other platforms.

Hope this can help

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@kstormshop Thank you so much! I'm just running the engine and it looks great! ❤️ It seems to be a bit hard for me, not so hard but sometimes I cant figure out everything, I'll need more help for sure


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