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Refreshed forum and new sessions

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Hello everyone,

Max here just saying that finally our forum community has been refreshed in design but also with new sections related to our games. But please also let me express my happyness because we see that at least sometimes this community platform has been helpful for our first users and of course I hope that it will be a very flaming community soon! 😊 😀 😍 

Then we started adding forum for our games because we are almost ready to release games and despite Steam will be the main platform where you can find us to talk about games we also must have a dedicated space here on our platform.

Ok so feel free to get in touch with us and other members of this community. We will be more than happy to have you here and help.

K Storm Studio is a breathless working company now because we know we have to build robust products to share and I really hope that even our forums can be another useful aspect of our work for you! 😛 😛 

Max here

Have fun



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