Games and Tech World K Magazine

Gamers: why we love games? And not phone’s app?!

Gamers: why we love games and why we love to play games?

Because as a gamers we want to live amazing stories in amazing worlds, Christ, that’s the main reason why we want to play games.

But also because as a human species we are constantly learning, and playing also means learning. Now, I’m not gonna say that many of us despite we are playing every day we are becoming to the new Einstein… f… saying, no, that would be a miracle and I dont believe in miracles, but at least we can have fun and we can also improve just some abilities.

From Galaxian to Call of Duty, from Arkanoid to Dragons Dogma II, basically almost everyone in this f… planet likes to play videogames. ALL WE ARE GAMERS!. I would only use computers for playing and making games… And although computers can be used for a wide variety of beneficial purposes, ok… there are unfortunately so many negative and wasteful b…shits applications of technology that leave me feeling disappointed.

Games VS App

How many distractions coming out of your phone?

But c’mon guys, have a look at phone applications for instance! Those softwares are specifically developed to keep people using them without break the attention from that! Have you ever thought about that? And we are more idiots than all of those criminals that develop those app, because we keep using them as they want it, keeping our f… faces constantly splatted down our phones!

As a gamers we enjoy games because we treat them as recreational activities, consciously deciding when to engage in them. When I feel like having a thrill driving like a “mad dog”, I indulge in it within the confines of a game. The awareness that it’s just a game is what makes the experience enjoyable. That’s the essence of why we love games!

Maybe play games instead that phone!

When you use chat or social media apps on your phone, you’re constantly engaged; there’s no logging out or switching off your phone! Why? BECAUSE THOSE COMPANIES MAKE MONEY IF WE ARE CONSTANTLY USING THOSE F… APPS!!! Think about that! F… hell guys and that’s happened in just a decade and you know what? Have you heard the next goal of Apple? They want to make our world an “augmented world”, how? Selling their new visor and force us to wear it everyday. Of course I wanna live with an additional big visor on my f… dickhead…!!! How can I live without it?

Anyway… I just only enjoy life with all things that I really want. Now we have to ask ourselves? Do we love games? Do we love playing them with friends or family? Do we love go out together? Do we enjoy all of this? If yes we can be sure… we are gamers!

Game Marketing Tips K Magazine

Game Marketing – How to create a game for sale!

In this post we are talking about game marketing and how to create a game for sale. Nowadays aside of the major and even medium game companies there are a bunch of solo developers working hard in the making their own games. And many other people also want to start making games, because they dream to create their own stories and make them as games!

Luckily many modern game engines like UnrealEngine, Unity, GameMaker, (and please let us mention K-Engine) that allow developers to create their own games in a quiet easy way, for sure easier than just few years ago when game making was pure coding from scratch. However, despite the game creaction process can be funny I’m pretty confident that many developers also want to sell their games, make money and see their work receiving the right awards for the effort they put into it!

But many people have no idea about how to sell a game, marketing and game marketing or at least how to properly sell a game. Well, please let me explain you some of the basics. A game is a product like any other product in the market, targeted for a specific segment of consumers. Please read the last phrase once again because that phrase contains an essential aspect of the selling process.

The STP model

The STP model strategy

Don’t worry, we will now easily jump deeply into it. Despite the game market segment is so huge, more than 3 billions people in the world play games, every game has his own targeted segment. For example, a very romantic 50 years old woman may not be interested in playing Call of Duty. Or maybe yes but she might be mainly interested in playing a casual game because this is what emerge from the financial game industry stats.

The STP model strategy explained in the chart above is the root where to start.


But what is a market segment? This is a very crucial question. Each of us belongs to a market segment. And this because we simply have different need, personality, taste and different life. And if you think your game can be bought by everyone just let me tell you this: even Google, Facebook and Amazon have been initially designed for a specific and well filtered group of potential consumers. Is that enough for you to convince you that your game cannot be promoted to everyone?

Let’s considering at least 4 important types of customer segmentation:

  1. Geographic segmentation: Based on location, country, state, region, etc.
  2. Demographic segmentation: Based on age, gender, occupation, etc.
  3. Behavioral segmentation: Based on why, how, and how frequently users interact with your website, apps, or store.
  4. Psychographic segmentation: Based on factors such as lifestyle, habits, hobbies, activities, etc.

Ok, after this premises we can now jump into the next important aspect of your game promotion. As you can see we started already in talking about promotion, which is an essential aspect of the marketing.


When you have created four or more segments, it’s time to find the most valuable ones. So now you have to properly target to what you consider the best customer segment and the best way to do this is reading datas.

And if you dont have any datas? Start creating short and small ads campaigns to collect datas! There is no other way!

  1. Size: Larger segments with more growth potential are always better.
  2. Profitability: It may be a little hard to calculate profitability, but taking customer lifetime value (CLV) into account and other data is a good way to predict segment profitability.
  3. Reachability: As a corollary to profitability, reachability is another important data point. Usually, customer acquisition cost (CAC) hedged against profitability metrics is a great way to conclude.


Once the other two steps are completed, a natural question arises: how to best position the product or service in the brain of your customers? The goal of positioning is to connect with the audience on a personal level and, possibly more importantly, set yourself apart from the competition.

There are three important factors to be considered while your’re positioning your brand or product:

  1. Symbolic positioning: Also known as lifestyle positioning. You can figure out symbolic positioning by asking what kind of image is being projected. To do this is crucial to know exactly what their customers think and want deep inside.
  2. Functional positioning: What particular problems your products or services solve and how they make their lives easier.
  3. Experiential positioning: What experience and emotions your products and service provided to customers.

Buying is pure emotional!

Let me ask you a question? Whenever you make a purchase what convince you to tap your credit card and buy that product? A cool packaging? Price? Your friend? Well, maybe all of that but trust me it is nothing from your consciousness, nothing under your full control and this is because of our brain system. The industry constantly studying this principles and how to drive their customers throughtout the purchase process. Buying is pure emotional! And luckily videogames are products that can deeply touch our emotions. And what is the most important emotion that really work in the selling process? Trust! Are you more comfortable to spend £20 for a game made by a young solo dev or £50 for the last Nintendo or Rockstar Game release?

So now the question is how can you create trust and awareness between you and your potential customers? And then how to achieve them and show them that your game is right for them?

Know your potential customers.

So all the STP model means that you have to properly know your potential customers, how? Do online research. We’ve been talking about market segmentation, targeting and positioning… well this is your first job before start to develop your game. Online you can find many resources in this industry that can strongly help you in figure out which is your ideal customers as mentioned above. Age, sex, interests, country, what games they play, social media they use, how many time they watch gaming videos and how, devices they use to play, how much money they spend to play and so on.

Create games for your potential audience!

Now you might say… hey but I just wanna make games as I want it! Ok, are you gonna buy your game or do you wanna sell them to players out there? Ok it’s fine if you wanna make your games as you want, I understand your point of view, despite that sounds quiet arrogance. Remember this, people want to play games that they want, not that you want! However if you’re an artist and you have nice ideas to bring to life that’s great but in this case you have to identify your target also according to your game idea, style, plot and gameplay.

While you’re creating your games please always think about your potential audience, remember the research you’ve done? So try to fit your idea with their aspectations when they will purchase your game!

Game Marketing

Game marketing and marketing in general as I said starts before you begin your game development process because as we see, first we have to identify our ideal customers and niche and develop our game always considering what they aspect from our game. Remember to constantly monitoring other games they play. And now how can we give our game as many people as possible in our niche and drive them to buy our game instead that others?

I said “instead that others” right? Yes because they can’t buy and play everything! Think about that… how much spare time and money do you think a customer can have? Do you really think they can buy and play all the games in the market? Even in a Niche? That is physically impossible, right?

How to create “trust” as a small developer.

Well, once clarified this important point let me jump back once again to what we mentioned before: trust. Developing trust is crucial if you want to create game for sales and how can you create trust as a small developer that can compete with bigger developers? One of the keypoint is that your game has to look professional. Why? Because the major difference between a professional and good quality game and an amateur made game is in details, and this is a rule for any production. High details with good quality graphic, sound and music, modern updated gameplay… these a the main aspects you should shown in your game pics, videos and demo. So, work hard in achieving a nice good looking result is a key point.

But that is absolutely not enough! Remember the STP model? That is the real “magic formula” for every succes! Spend time to study the audience you want to target to and create products that they want to have. Because this is the first key of the marketing journey. Doing this you will create trust in your customers even as soon as they will get in touch with your product.

And now basically we have to find out customers. And this is another key point that can really help you in increasing sells and create awerness of your game: ads!

Promote your game, the truth!

And now please let me tell you something very raw. There are several ways to ads your game and you have to try them all, but the best way still remain creating ads campaigns! Ok, you may now arguing about that… in the age of the influencer marketing you’re still talking about spending money in ads? Nobody buy after clicking an ads anymore! Nobody watch Youtube video ads! It is not for me!

So why big services like Google Ads or Microsoft Ads or many others are still ongoing if they are not profitable anymore? Because the truth is that those services are still extremely profitable for them and for everyone is able to properly use them for their business. Why? Because you can exactly decide how much money to spend, because you can exactly target the audience you want to share your message to, because you can trust them, because you can read the results and change your campaigns accordingly and so on, because you can save time…!

And even offline ads is another amazing way to achieve your segment. So if you want to create a game for sales you have to start in considering your game as a product cause otherwise still remains one of the numerous games on Steam or Itch or EpicStore or other stores.

Dont be scared to invest a small budget in promoting your game. You will see that after some initial mistakes you’ll be able to generate an income for every click you will get… just properly do your research, develop good games and you will get your loyal fanbase! … And enjoy the game creation process!

Game Marketing Tips K Magazine

Game Marketing – How to deal with music copyright?

Music copyright can be a very big problem sometimes and this is the reason why the game industry nowadays want to have copyright free music.

Ok all we love music! No matter what genre but we love music. In case of a game I think the music is a relevant part of the gameplay. Like soundtracks for a movie, the game soundtrack can even make the difference. And music nowadays appears to be not a way of expression just like it has been for decades, especially for the youth.

Games are actually more relevant for everyone, both young and older generations. Of course we know that society changes, but there is also another important factor to consider when we talk about the relationship between games and music. Games contains everything! A game can also be a very high quality and artistic product, and I’m talking just keeping from aside the interactivity offered by games. Because if we also consider the major and revolutionary factor introduced by games, the interactivity, there is not competition with any other entertainment industry.

In this scenario when we have £100 or less in our pocket destin to our entertainment and fun what we do? We see what proposts are coming from the entertainment industry well… who wins? Games! Please also read this very detailed article about marketing segmentation and positioning.

Different future for the music?

Of course the time where people use to follow a musician everywhere buying all his albums and merchs is probably gone. Now we have all the music we want in our pocket. And as I said before, the music is not a way to express our vision about life anymore. People use to easily chat on social media about less relevant things than before when older generations wanted to change the world, even on stage! I’m not gonna say that this is good or bad. And also think about the entertainment back in the days. Ok we loved 80s games but ok… be realistic… we got fun but just because we were little kids. Think about the opportunities offered by modern games. There is nothing in the entertainment industry that can compete with, right?

Ok in case of games we are more focused in playing them than to listen to their soundtracks, that’s ok? Despite this, we are often got captured by some amazing soundtracks have been written for games. Some examples? Doom, OutRun, Street Fighter, The Witcher, Space Harrier, Turricane 2, Skyrim and so on.

Licenses for soundtracks

As I said I love and respect the music copyright. But licenses are too restrictive for a game company. If you have a look at all the licenses we have to care about while we are asking for the rights to use a song in a game wow…! Guys that sounds overbearing for me. Why? Because it seems that music is the only and most important part os the project. And I personally respect the effort and the emotion an artist puted into it, but ok, do you know how much effort, time, investments have been involved in the making a game engine? And then the game?

How to avoid your game turning illegal?

Did you know that if just one of the music license expires and you forget to renew it your game automatically turns to be illegal and it will be permanently removed from the market? How could you avoid that?

Well, you should use license free music. Possibly, you should also have the full copyright of the music you use. Online there are several websites that sold copyright and license free music. In this case you have to pay one time and you can use that song without limitations or restrictions, but smeone else can use the same song.

In alternative you can ask help to a musician to create some specific dedicated songs for your game, even using some music kits out there. Consider this, many of the commercial songs are now produced this way.

Our thought about music copyright

At K Storm Studio we strongly believe that music is a very important aspect of any game and it’s essential to improve the game experience. But as a game developer you have to have the entire control of your product. Assets, codes, soundtracks, music, everything should be royalty free so you can easily distribute your game without additional restrictions.

K Magazine K Storm Studio News

It’s time to celebrate:… Happy Holidays from K Storm Studio!

Definitely yes, it’s time to celebrate so many things… :0 🙂 wow! I’m so happy about that! And not just about the Holydays, but also because here at K Storm Studio we finally decided to open our magazine to share all our news with you.

And several great news are coming out in the next year!

I’m Max Capano, founder of the K Strom Studio, a small company with just a passion in mind: make our games!

Wild Radio Flux game project

First we want to announce that we are releasing Wild Radio Flux game on Steam and our marketplace too ready to be wishlisted and out in the early 2024 based on Steam test.

The Source game project

Then as you can see here on our frontpage we are also working on a big stunning game developed in Unreal Engine 5 and using the entire engine potential. The Source game project is started at the end of the hot summer 2023 and it seems to be hot too.

K-Engine game engine

Further, it is also time to celebrate our K-Engine game engine dedicated to develope adventure games and visual novels has been downloaded by more than 800 users despite the pre-alpha release and we are ready to release the new version with many bug fixed and several new improvements.

KSS Platform Website

And last but not least our website platform and marketplace, built for us and everyone who wants to sell their creations and soon even games… I know we only have just few sellers at the moment and maybe you are a bit skeptic yet but we built it using the most safe and best technologies so feel free to join us and make your own store on it… we did it!

The upcoming 2024

The upcoming year will be for us an insanily busy and challenging year but also extremely exiting and fun! In the early 2024 we will release the new version of K-Engine, then Wild Radio Flux is coming out next and we will also release a demo version of The Source game, later in 2024… and maybe something else is coming out from our creativity 🙂 !

So in our little we are trying to do the best as we can and we are very enthusiast about that. And I personally hope you can have fun in following us and enjoy our products and in general I hope that our work can even giving you a lot of fun because this is still the main reason why we do that. 🙂 🙂

Happy Holidays from K Storm Studio!

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